A Little Online Reading
Over the last year I've had the privilege to have some of my work published in online venues. This means I have a few tidbits of writing to share. Whether you're new to me and want to get a taste of my writing or if you just want to get a chance to read more, here are a few of my online stories that you can read for free.
There are also a few free anthologies that I've been a part of. When the world began to lockdown because of the corona virus in 2020, Black Hare Press began to publish free books to help people cope with this. They published stories of horror, science fiction, phantoms, fantasy, and paranormal romance. I didn't try to get in every publication they did, but I did want to be in one of each genre and I managed that. I'll be adding them to the list as they come out. You can buy a paperback or ebook at Amazon from my main book page, but the link here will be for a free ebook through other vendors.
You can also follow my twitter account for twitter fics. I don't do it every day, but I do follow the #vss 365 prompts tag and try to contribute when my day isn't too hectic!