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Whats Love Got To Do With It?

Chris Bannor

green background with a heart cut out in the center. At the center of that is a question mark with the words "Whats love got to do with it?"
green background with a heart cut out in the center. At the center of that is a question mark with the words "Whats love got to do with it?"

It's the month of February, and LOVE is in the air!!!! Um, right? It's supposed to be, isn't it? This is the month where we go crazy for love. Hearts are everywhere!

And some of us are looking for a good book boy/girlfriend to hang out with to get us through the month!

What is it about romance that pulls us in like this? Is it the thrill of a new relationship and the ever-building will they won't they? Is it the promise of happily ever after? Or maybe it's those lovely steamy bits in between?

I'm not a romance writer, but I can't help but put a little love in my stories. (Maybe, except those horror shorts I write. And sometimes those, too. After all, what incites murder better than love gone wrong? But that's for a different month :P) I find there is something deeper that we all look for. Maybe it isn't love in a romantic sense, but we want that connection to something outside of ourselves.

A good love story reveals truths our characters may not know about themselves. It makes them vulnerable and open. In those moments, we see their flaws and their mistakes. Their hopes and their dreams. The things we do for love can lead people to their darkest paths but also to their highest peaks.

Love drives the story so often for me (as I look at edits for 531 and Maybe this is certainly true. Yi mourned for his lost lover for 7 years, believing he was dead, and now he's hell-bent on keeping him safe. As for Maybe, Mac's love of his daughter and his partner, Orion, is about to turn his entire world upside down!). My favorite books have that element of love, even when they aren't the focus of the book. Faramir and Eowyn from The Lord of the Rings will always win my heart! As will the love that's unfolded for The Wheel of Time's Nynaeve and Lan. And my current favorite/obsession is the wonderfully complex love affair between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian in The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (the book Netflix's Untamed is based on.)

So this question for you, my fellow explorers. What non-romance book has the most compelling love story for you? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Happy exploring my friends!

Chris Bannor

Fictional Explorer


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