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Chris Bannor


‘What a long strange trip it’s been.’

- The Grateful Dead

I feel this every day. Every time I sit at my computer to put words to paper, or to edit, or to work on social media to share my journey, I feel this. This week marks the 2nd anniversary of my first publication in the drabble book, “Beyond”. You can check out my post from last year about my first anniversary (

This year I launched my newsletter to celebrate the date (don’t forget to sign up, if you haven’t already!). It’s been another great year and I love living the writer’s life. This year I’ve had the chance to work on collaborative stories and shared worlds. I’m in the process of editing a dark fantasy project which I am co-leading with one of my favorite author friends. And I’ve still got a number of short stories coming out in various anthologies this year.

This is also the year I decided to try to step back from writing so many short stories and try to focus on longer works. I have a steampunk novel that is waiting to be edited, and I’m currently working on a paranormal police procedural. It’s been a big change. I am constantly looking for ways to improve my understanding of novel writing and the genres I’m working in. It’s so much fun and I love the world building aspects of it so much. World building is where my heart is really, so I’m enjoying the chance to delve deeper than I can with short stories.

Who knows what this next year will bring me, but I’m looking forward to finding out. And I’m so glad you’re here on the journey with me!


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